Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Navin Seth sir always concerned about
the health and wellbeing of the staff and their families as well as the students
therefore under the guidance of Hon. V.C. Sir the dispensary was started in the
year 2018. Free medical services are made available in the university campus
itself so that every beneficiary can take advantage of it.
Consulting And Medication Facility
- In dispensary we are providing consulting and medication facility to
staff, students and their family members free of cost.
- Facility of Medical equipments like wheel chair, walker, stick, oxygen
bottle, air bed, Hot water bag, Nebulizer etc provided free of cost.
- Conduction of Test like Blood Sugar, Blood pressure, oxygen level etc.
- Different type of Ayurveda & Homeopathic precautionary medicine
distributed among staff, Students and their family member to improve
immunity against corona virus.
- Routine medical health checkup done every year of the staff members.
Precautionary Medical Health checkup camp
We are doing various Medical Health checkup camp on regular basis like.
- Heart disease camp (ECG/BP)
- Diabetes diagnostic camp (RBS)
- Dental Health Checkup camp
- Gynecologic diseases Camp
- Orthopedic camp (BMR)
- Vaccination Camp
- RTPCR Test Camp