My dear students and colleagues,
GTU has grown and matured into a dynamic and vibrant university, since its
inception. Excellence is a popular and much loved word and pushes the frontiers
of all activities. Hence we should try and define what we are going to excel in
and how. My request to all our students, faculty and managements is to define
their domains and strengths; find where they are and then plan their onward
journey. Good governance and educational outcomes go hand in hand, hence it is
important that clearly defined goals, outputs and outcomes are put in place.
GTU too shall take the same roadmap and define specific goals to start with,
the ouputs in terms of number of faculty trained, student programes conducted,
will help in understanding whether we are progressing. But we have to look at
the bigger picture and also keep in view the outcomes, the impact that these
initiatives and goals can lead to. Unless we work to this end, we will claim
accolades in terms of numbers, but the biggest stake holder, our student, the
future citizen of this great Nation, will not be able to reap the benefits.
Excellence will only be achieved when a student, a faculty and an institute are
able to impact the environment around them.
In the coming days, we hope to work on these lines and put in place enabling
processes, to tap the opportunities available through the State and Central
policies and programs.
Your ideas and initiatives will be most welcome and the GTU team and myself will
be happy to hear from you.
Our respected Dr. Aggarwal sir, has sent his warm wishes and thanks for all the
good work done during his tenure, during his speech on 7th June 2016.
Dr. Rajul K.Gajjar
(8th June 2016)