All the Students of the IIIrd and Vth semesters of MCA,
The Students of the Vth and the VIIth semesters of BE and B. Pharm,
The Students of the P-II of D. Pharm and D. HMCT and
The Faculty Members
Welcome to the new academic year
Let us all jointly decide to work hard so that by the end of the year, the perception for our graduates will become so positive that they would be considered among the best young persons, graduating from any technology University. We can do it if we work on the following initiatives sincerely and all through the year:
- Jointly the faculty and students should work towards making every single class, laboratory and workshop hour an exciting experience.
- The faculty and the students should not miss a single class, laboratory and workshop and in every College and institution we should have full attendance, leaving aside exceptions due to illness or some unavoidable circumstance.
- Every Final Year student should take a project, which is challenging and which has a relevance to Gujarat’s context. Moreover the project should be such that when it is completed, not only the student but the College can also take pride in the good work. (Last year, 73% of our 17,000 projects were anchored in real-life problems from the industries. GTU students won 6 out of 14 National Gandhian Innovation Awards -2012. A large number of patents have been filed for these projects. This year, we must do better.)
All the above three are simple things for which every one of us can start working. Even though we have a long way to go before we may be able to reach the ideal state, already many in the whole of the country, and some from outside, have started saying that something great is happening at GTU. If all of us try to approximate towards the optimum, by the end of this academic year, we should all be able to say with confidence that we belong to a great University.
Dr. Akshai Aggarwal
(7 July 2012)