Education Dept. GoG
National Academic Depository (NAD) Etc.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Emerging Trends and Regulations in Products of Herbal Origin" organized by Graduate School of Pharmacy, Gujarat Technological University during 21st to 26th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Recent Trends and Future Directions in Information Security" organized by L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad during 21st to 26th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development" organized by Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, Ahmedabad during 21st to 26th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Entrepreneurial Intelligence for Academic Leaders” organized by Narmada College of Management,Bharuch during 26th to 31st March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Training on Data Science Tools" organized by Shri Chimanbhai Patel Post Graduate Institute of Computer Applications, Ahmedabad during 21st to 26th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Technology Applications in Finance (FinTech)" organized by Graduate School of Management Studies (GSMS),GTU during 07th to 12th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Visualisation" organized by Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute during 21st to 28th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "A future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare System: An Advanced Data Mining Tool" organized by Anand Pharmacy College, Anand during 07th to 12th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Recent Formulation Approaches for Improving the Dissolution Properties of Poorly Soluble Drugs" organized by B. K. Mody Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot during 07th to 12th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Design, Drafting and Analysis of Industrial Piping System" organized by GIDC Degree Engineering College, Navsari during 21st to 26th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored two week Professional Development Program (PDP) for Non Teaching Staff on "Innovative Strategies To Develop Professionalism at Workplace” organized by B.Pharmacy College, Kanakpur during 21st february to 05th March, 2022.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week STTP on "Role of Libraries and Librarians in Pandemic Era" organized by Gandhinagar Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar during 21st to 26th February, 2022.
ATAL Sponsored FDP on Internet of Things and Its Application during 4th - 8th OCT 2021
Brochure: Graduate School of Management Studies, GTU invites registration for National Level Online Faculty Development Program on 'Emotional Intelligence' sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy during 13th to 17th September, 2021.
Brochure : Online Expert Session on "Constitutional Morality, Social Synthesis and Nation Building" organized by Gujarat Power Engineering & Research Institute (GPERI), Mehsana on 12th April, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for Management Institutions" organized by Graduate School of Management Studies, GTU during 15th to 20th March, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week STTP on "Recent Trends in Innovative & Smart Libraries in HEIs" during 01st to 06th March, 2021 , organized by Gujarat Technological University Library in association with INFLIBNET.
Vidushee Gargi Centre for Women Development-GTU, in association with Stree Chetna (Affiliated to Bharatiya Stree Shakti) invites videos on “Mujhe Kuch kehna hai”
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning: Trends and Applications (NLPDL-TA)" organized by Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology,Surat during 01st to 06th March, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on “Data Science using Machine Learning" organized by Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute during 01st to 06th February, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One Week Online FDP on “Self Reliance - A need of an hour for pharmaceutical industry in india” organized by Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College, Bhavnagar during 04th to 09th January, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on “Rethinking and Restructuring an Examination System by Effective Technology” organized by Graduate School of Pharmacy,GTU during 14th to 19th December, 2020.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on “POST LOCKDOWN TREADS IN CAD/CAM AND MANUFACTURING FOR MSME” organized by Gandhinagar Institute of Technology ,Gandhinagar during 18th to 23rd January, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "METALLURGY FOR ALL" approved by DTE & organized by Government Engineering College,Gandhinagar during 01st to 06th February, 2021.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "Renewable Sources based distributed power generation, applications and control including Energy Storage Devices" organized by V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot during 07th to 12th December, 2020.
Brochure :Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored Online One week FDP on "PROFESSIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT" organize by Government Polytechnic, Daman during 04th to 09th January, 2021.
Online AWS Training Sessions at ZERO COST.
Inauguration of INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BEYOND COVID-19 by Honourable Education Minister Sir organized by GSMS on 1st May 2020
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
GTU is inviting registration from students for 'National Level Awareness Programme' jointly conducted by Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Ministry of MSME - Government of India on 20.02.2020
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One week FDP on “Research Methodology (LEARNINGS & APPLICATION THROUGH LATEST SOFTWARE)" organized by GIDC RAJJU SHROFF ROFEL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (GRIMS) during 22nd - 26th January, 2020.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One week FDP on “Managerial Perspective of Business Analytics " organized by Graduate School of Management Studies, GTU during 20th - 24th January, 2020.
Brochure : GTU sponsored & ISTE approved 1 week FDP on “Future prospects and Technology of Hydro Power Machinery” organized by Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology (SCET) during 20th - 25th January, 2020.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University organizes "Interactive Session with the students of Jammu & Kashmir" in collaboration with Vishwagram on 24th December, 2019 at Satvik Food Festival, Bhagvat Vidhyapith Campus, Ahmedabad. With Warm Regards
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One week FDP on “New Challenges Ahead in New India 2022 in the Pharmaceutical Education" organized by Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, Surat during 16th - 20th December, 2019.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One week FDP on "Transportation Engineering Practice" organized by Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies during 02nd - 06th December, 2019.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One week FDP on "Teaching Pedagogy & Skill Enhancement" organized by GMB Polytechnic Rajula during 16th- 20th December, 2019.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University & AICTE jointly sponsored One week FDP on “Advance Technologies in Gas Turbine Engine" ATIGTE 2019 organized by Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology during 09th- 13th December, 2019.
Brochure : GTU sponsored & ISTE approved 1 week FDP on "Recent Trends in Power System Operation and Control" organized by Vishwakarma Government Engineering College (Electrical Engineering Department) during 25th - 30th November, 2019.
Brochure :Gujarat Technological University Sponsored & ISTE approved One Week FDP on "2D Animation for Technical Teachers" organized by Tolani Foundation Gandhidham Polytechnic, Adipur on 02nd to 07th December, 2019.
Brochure : Faculty Development Program (ISTE-GTU and GUJCOST sponsored) on 'Recent Trends in Medical Image Processing' on 18th to 23rd November 2019, Organized by G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology.
Brochure : DTE Approved and Gujarat Technological University sponsored One Week State Level STTP on "Android Programming" organise by Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar during 14th - 18th October, 2019.
Title:- Brochure :Gujarat Technological University organises Two week STTP on "Challenges as a teacher to adapt Ancient to Modern Methods for Improvement of Teaching & Learning Process in the Field of Education" in collaboration with A R College of Pharmacy & G H Patel Institute of Pharmacy on 31st December to 11th January, 2019.
Brochure : ONE DAY GUJCOST SPONSORED WORKSHOP ON “RECENT TRENDS IN CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”,on 24th June - 2019 ,Organized by S. N. Patel Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Umrakh .
Brochure : Gujcost Sponsered STTP on “Applications of PLC & SCADA in Industrial Automation” on 15th to 19th July 2019, Organized by GIDC Degree Engineering College Abrama, Navsari.
Brochure : Gujarat Technological University organises One day National Conference on "A Bridge between Pharmaceutical Analysis & Regulatory Affairs - An Industrial Perspective" in collaboration with Shree Naranjibhai Lalbhai Patel College of Pharmacy on 06th July, 2019.
Brochure : Gujcost Sponsored One week STTP on "MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js" on 24th to 28th June, 2019. Organized by Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology Ahmedabad.