CGBS is one of the PG research centres of GTU which promotes the research work in field of business management and facilitates the foreign study programs across the branches. The main focus of “Centre for Global Business Studies” is to discover opportunities for doing business in seven regional markets, namely: North America, Europe, South America, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, East Asia and Pacific Countries.
CGBS believes that in today’s scenario every student must get the knowledge about the humanity, geography and business environment of other countries and thus, the Centre empowers the students and faculties to explore the new heights in Global Research. The Centre is proved as a valuable tool to Industries of Gujarat, as it helps the industries to find and explore the untapped opportunities in Global Business.

Mission of CGBS
- Attracting scholars who are global leader in their fields.
- Internationalization of faculty and students through MOUs with foreign universities
- Achieve the Leadership in academic research and teaching in global business studies
- Creating an eco-system for innovation – leveraging academic and industrial research for global business studies
Centre for Global Business Studies, GTU is recognized by Limca Book of Records
For more detail click here
Activities under CGBS:
- Organizing National / international Conferences
- Designing Faculty Development Programs
- Conducting Seminars/ Workshops
- Best Project Presentation Competitions for students (Country Study)
- National Day Celebration (NDC) for Countries of Study
- Initiating research activities / preparing research reports for industry
A. Celebration of National / Independence Days
CGBS has started a unique and one of its kind activities called National Day Celebration (NDC) at university campus with the objective of making the GCSR program more efficient and interesting. Under this exclusive program, National Days of 82 countries have been celebrated from August 2013 to June 2016.
Following are some key objectives of the National Day Celebration:
- To enhance the overall involvement of the students with the selected GCSR country.
- To strengthen the network among students, professors and other stakeholders with the selected country
- To demonstrate and uphold the national pride and fellowship
- To discuss the environmental factors for exploring the business opportunities with the Selected GCSR Country
- To discuss the environmental factors for exploring the business opportunities with the Selected GCSR Country
For detailed reports of National Day Celebration, please visit:
B. International Conference organized by CGBS
International Conference organized by Gujarat Technological University-India jointly with University of Wismar- Germany, Steinbeis University-Germany & Shijiazhuang University of Economics- China on 24th to 26th February 2016 at GTU Chandkheda Campus