Gujarat Technological University is a state university established by the Government
of Gujarat vide Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007. GTU has 400+ affiliated colleges in
its fold operating across the state of Gujarat through its five zones at Ahmedabad,
Gandhinagar, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Rajkot and Surat. The University caters to the
fields of Engineering, Architecture, Management, Pharmacy and Computer Science.
The University has about 4,00,000 students enrolled in a large number of Diploma,
Under Graduate, Post Graduate programs along with the robust Doctoral program.
To stay connected with large number of alumni and in order to cherish the linkage
between former students with its Alma Mater, GTU Alumni Association (GTUAA) is
GTUAA is a formal body registered as a society with registration number: Guj/21307/Ahmedabad
on 14-02-2020 under Societies Registration Act, 1860 and as a trust with registration
number: F/20889/Ahmedabad under Gujarat Public Trust Act, 1950 on 14-02-2020.
GTUAA has Vision, Mission and Objectives as mentioned below.
To activate and keep alumni connected in a network for their own
good and the Alma mater, and to engage the University’s global community to
advance the University’s excellence.
To provide a vibrant forum that promotes interaction and networking
among alumni of the University.
To help the alumni achieve their professional goals
To facilitate the association of alumni with their Alumni member.
To contribute to the University’s vision of being recognized
among the world's leading institutions in academics, research excellence and innovation
The objectives and purposes of this Association shall be to develop and encourage
the interest in GTU and generally to do all lawful things for the welfare, benefit,
and betterment of the GTU and its faculty, students, former students, graduates
and staff. GTUAA shall foster and encourage Alumni to contribute in the GTU and
in higher education.
The objectives of the Association, though not exhaustive, shall be to:
- Organize and operate exclusively for educational and such other purposes as a nonprofit
organization dedicated to advancing the excellence of learning systems at GTU and
for enhancing the reputation of GTU, in Indian and abroad, as a distinguished University
of higher learning.
- Work with GTU in meeting the educational and recreational needs of the alumni; and
encouraging united action in promoting the advancement of every alumni.
- Organize continually the programs of advanced education at GTU and its chapters
in India and abroad and provide regular communication about such programs including
about opportunities at the research centers of GTU.
- Maintain records and collect statistics concerning alumni and to provide support
to the alumni offices and thereby the Council of GTUAA.
- Encourage a spirit of loyalty, friendship, services and benevolence among the Alumni.
- Render advice and guidance on matters relating to the alumni to GTU.
- Promote and develop chapters and foster affiliates of the Association internationally
by interaction in its correct perspective among the chapters and affiliates.
- Ensure adequate representation of GTUAA in Government and Industries by nominating
Alumni representatives wherever possible and necessary.
- Publish after consultation with the Executive Board the Alumni News in the form
of GTUAA Newsletter, to be distributed to alumni for the purpose of disseminating
information about the University and the alumni.
- Provide support to raise funds for the University by gift, endowment scholarship,
donation or any other means.
- Make awards to alumni for outstanding work in promoting the welfare of the GTU,
Society, state or country or for outstanding performance in activities related to
culture, art & science, technology, social service or any other area which bring
pride for the University.
- To encourage and facilitate the alumni taking up activities that are geared to improve
society at large and contribute to national development.
- To mobilize, arrange, spend and utilize funds required to manage the affairs and
activities of the association.
- Another activity which is in the larger benefit of society, university, educational
institute, students or alumni.