All received research papers are blindly reviewed by reviewers appointed by GTU for the originality of content, methodology, literature review and research gap, analysis part, research findings and its relationship with objectives, drafting, flow of information and paper writing skills etc.
Marks will be given by reviewer during blind review process. Total marks will be 75. The marks are segregated on below mentioned criteria.
S. No. |
Particular |
Marks |
1 |
Objectives and Methodology |
15 |
2 |
Literature Review and Research Gap |
15 |
3 |
Analysis Part |
25 |
4 |
Finding and its relationship with Objectives |
10 |
5 |
Drafting, Flow of Information and Paper writing skills |
10 |
Total |
75 |
In case of conceptual paper / case study, above points will be evaluated with practical approach by reviewer. For example, a conceptual paper may not have much analysis of data, but in this situation reviewer will focus on arguments by which new concept is derived or presented. Similarly a case study may not have much literature review, but in these type of papers reviewer will have to give weightage to the method by which the problem is identified or stated.
Editorial board shall consider total marks given during review process, originality of manuscript, quality of research work etc. to accept or reject the manuscript.
University reserves the right to accept or reject any manuscript without stating any reason to the author(s).