1. Author Registration
∙Every author has to register himself /herself on website.
∙After Registration, author will be allotted unique author code (e.g. AM0003) which will be author’s identification number.
∙All fields in the registration are compulsory, and no changes in the details will be allowed once the author has registered.
∙If, there are multiple authors for a single manuscript then every author has to register separately. All the authors will be
given a unique author code which they have to use for further correspondence.
∙This unique Author Id will be communicated to authors by their registered
e-mail only. Hence it is mandatory to give correct mail id.
2. Manuscript Registration
∙After author registration, manuscript title will be required to be registered.
∙Every manuscript will be allocated unique number (e.g. PCM002), which will be used as identification code for the Research paper.
∙If a person is going to submit more than one manuscript, then he/she will have to register all the manuscripts and for every manuscript he/she will be given unique number.
∙Every manuscript should be registered only once even if there are multiple authors.
∙While registering the manuscript, unique author code of all the authors will be required. Once the data is submitted by the author, no
change in the details will be entertained. So it is advisable to keep all the author’s unique codes ready at the time of title registration.
3. Full Manuscript Format
[Paper Title should be in TIMES NEW ROMAN 14, BOLD, CENTRED, UPPER CASE as shown above]
Author Details should be as per below format in Times New Roman,
11-point, bold, centered
Author Name
Author Name
Author Name
Email Id
Email Id
Email Id
Abstract [Abstract heading should Times New Roman,
12-point, bold, Justify Alignment]
Abstract content should be in Times New Roman
11-point, justify alignment. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Keywords should be in Times New Roman, 11 point, Justify aligned as shown below
Keywords: Innovation, technology, research projects, etc.
1 HEADING [Times New Roman,
12-Point, Bold, Upper Case And Justify Alignment]
Content of Para: [Times New Roman
11-point, justify alignment] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1.1 Subsection [Times New Roman 12, bold, justify alignment and capitalize the first letter]
Content of Para: [Times New Roman
11-point, justify alignment] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sub-subsection: [Times New Roman
11-point, Italic, justify alignment]
Content of Para: [Times New Roman
11-point, justify alignment] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
12-point, bold, justify alignment]
Reference [Times New Roman,
10-point, justify alignment, upper and lower case] Einstein, A. (1916). General Theory of Relativity. Annalen der Physik 49(7), pp.
Page setup and Margin: Set One Inch each side of the paper
Line Spacing:
Single with 0 pt. before and after.
For Tables: Every table should have Heading/Name with table Numbers as per below example and Source at bottom
table: 1 List of Companies
Source: BSE India Ltd.
For Graphs: Every graph must have Heading/Name with Numbers as per below example and Source at Bottom
Graph 2 Average Monthly and Annual Cash Collection
Source: Annual Report
2007-08, GUVNL
Colour of the Graph must be chosen in such a way that a reader should be able to easily differentiate, if printed in Black & White. So take care while selecting colours of LINES and BARS in the GRAPH.
For Images/Diagrams/Figures: Every Image/Diagram/Figure must have Heading/Name with Numbers as per below example and Source at Bottom
Figure 1 Functions and Structure of GEB
The manuscript must contain following sections/segments in the given flow:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Research Methodology
- Literature Review
- Analysis Part
- Findings
- Conclusion
- References
The desirable length of the manuscript including graphs, table, diagrams, references etc. is 15 -16 Pages. Over lengthy paper may not get published, however the decision of the review committee will
be final.
Plagiarism is not permitted. Please read plagiarism policy for more details.
4. Manuscript Submission
- Only corresponding author will have to login with unique author Id and upload full manuscript in word document format and copyright form in pdf format.
- The manuscript must be in the desired format as available on the website.
- Your manuscript will be blind reviewed by the editorial board
- Recommendations of editorial board should be followed by author and will have to make necessary changes in the manuscript.
- Excellent and outstanding manuscripts will be published and decision of the editorial board will be final in this regard.
- Editorial board reserves the right to reject the manuscript and no queries shall be entertained in this matter. However, new paper can be registered as per the above procedure.
- Authors will be communicated by e-mail about the status.
5. Upload Copyright Form
- Authors will have to download copyright form available on the website.
- All the required details are to be filled by authors and every author will have to sign it.
- It is mandatory to upload the scanned copy of copyright form along with manuscript submission.